2021 Abstract Submission Form

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Abstract Directions and Format:

Abstracts may be selected for a short oral presentation at the June 26th meeting by the submitting author. All other accepted abstracts will be made available to attendees as a USCLC Virtual Poster (abstract + two figures) in a PDF booklet.

Abstracts are limited to 2300 characters, including title, authors, affiliations, and spaces. File must be saved in PDF format prior to upload. Please save file with file name format as LASTNAME_FIRSTFIVEWORDSOFTITLE_AFFILIATION.

Abstract format: Title (Capitalize first word only). Authors (last name with first and middle initials, last name with first and middle initials, etc). Affiliations list. Body of Abstract (paragraph format).

Please select one of the following two major abstract categories:
Abstracts that have been presented at other meetings must be identified as such, but will still be considered for the USCLC's virtual poster presentation.
Has this abstract or its content been presented at another meeting?