Webinar Help Request Form

Use this form to report issues with live ABA webinars and ABA online archive programs.
If the problem is about connecting to a webinar or an archive program please call the help line at 877-297-2901 for immediate technical assistance.

Select Type of Issue:

  • PVC “Participation Verification Code” Issues
I did not pass the PVC code verification
  • CLE Request Form Error Messages
Missing Information
Insufficient time in program error message
Was not directed to CLE request form

  • CLE Certificate Issues
Never received certificate(s)
My certificate(s) is blank, the form is there but my information is missing
My certificate has the wrong credit hours/ credit type
Cannot open certificate, application states it is “Locked” or requires a password
Did not receive email with directions to fill out CLE request form
Need a copy of my certificate(s)
  • Technical Issue (enter a full explanation in the Comments field below) Include information on computer's operating system/version, which Internet Browser & version you were using, any error messages received.
Computer audio
Mobile device - include type and version of device in comments field below
Computer connection

Select Program Type:

Archive/On-demand program
Live webinar program

Provide the following information so action can be taken to resolve your issue:

First Name:

Last Name:

Email Address:

Enter your webinar PIN: your PIN is also your ABA ID number or Customer ID number located in your program email confirmation

Additional Information/Comments:

Note that the ABA uses webinar technology provided by BeaconLive and depending on the type of issue either an ABA staff person or BeaconLive technical support person will respond to this submission within two business days.